What a Difference a Letter Makes

What a Difference a Letter Makes

This is a fun new program we are running. Some of you may have met the Family Dot when we ran the Block of the Day called The Daily Dot (it is still available as a downloadable pattern here). We meet the family again here as they write letters to each other and friends. The letters simply talk about life as it happens - maybe congratulations, maybe illness, perhaps an event ......or just because! There are downloadable stationary items & a video with each part. In the first part a download included for writing paper and envelope plus a family tree of the Family Dot. All the downloads are in black and white so you can colour them in if you choose. The first three parts & videos & downloads are free. After that there will be a fee to continue to receive the downloads. Please do join us in writing letters, they really do make a difference.

Because around the world we use different size paper, there are 2 download options. Choose the one that suits the paper you use, either A4 or US Letter.

Part 1 is ready - here is the video:

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